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Therapy for trauma - The rewind technique
Our Director, Sabrina Williams BSc, PGDIP, FdA, Dip.Sup, MBACP is an accredited Rewind Trauma Therapy Practitioner. This revolutionary technique has an approximate 90% success rate, although our current success rate at London counsellors is 100%.
The rewind intervention can be delivered as a standalone intervention ( three session model ) or as part of your weekly therapy if appropriate. It can often provide permanent healing without the need for disclosure for post-traumatic stress symptoms and PTSD in just a few sessions, to produce recovery from trauma that occurred in the past and is still affecting you now.
Ready to give it a try ?
Even if we know why we feel the way we feel, It can be difficult to work out where to get help, if we can be helped and if we will ever feel recovered from what has happened to us.
If you have had a traumatic experience or set of experiences then the tool below may be able to help you to work out the extent of your experience and symptoms along with the help of your Counsellor.
Understand this:
Before completing the questionnaire, it is important to understand that the rewind intervention is not suitable for all people or all types of trauma. if you would like to check if it would be suitable for you please get in touch to book a free 15-minute consultation, Alternatively you can complete the questionnaire and someone will contact you regarding next steps.